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Mammals of

Latin America

Sloths, Peccaries, Cabybaras, Pink Dolphins & Jaguars make up the rich array of Latin Mammals

Prehistoric Life of Latin America

Rich fossil history of early mammals, prehistoric plants and dinosaurs

The catastpophic diseases transmitted by insects and animals 

 Insect & Animal

Borne Diseases

  • The natural sciences of Latin America contain a complex, rich and vibrant history. All facets of the sciences impacting and shaping one another. 

  • Please explore below some selected natural science fields throughout Latin America. (Please note: Some content is only available on desktop devices & that our site is a work in progress, being constantly updated by our team).

  • For any natural sciences inquiries regarding associated project work or research orientated fields please contact us



Natural Sciences Learning Database of Latin America

Latin Scientific

ESTB                      2012

First Humans of Latin America

Paleo Indians were the first humans to inhabit the Americas over ~40,000 years ago


Earth & Climate Sciences

Geological history, plate tectonics & terranes, volcanism, soil sciences & climatic history

Environmental Concerns and Conservation

Environmental degradation across Latin America and the steps in place to mediate

Fruits Vegetables & Food

The diverse fruit, vegetables, food & plant products able to be cultivated from the most ideal climate and soils

Indigenous Peoples of Latin America

The many original indigenous peoples, their rich cultures, vibrant histories, complex languages and unique societies

Birds of Latin America

Highest biodiversity on the planet of birdlife

Reptiles & Amphibians of Latin America

Rich diversity of Amphibians, Caimans, Lizards & Snakes 

Ecosystems & Environments

Rainforests, Grasslands, Paramos, Deserts & many more unique environments across Latin America


Plants, Flowers & Trees

Vast array of Plant, Tree & Flower species 

Insects, Molluscs & Arachnids

1000's of species of Insect, Molluscs & Arachnids

National Parks & Reserves

The numerous National Parks & Reserves across lain America

Livestock, Fishing

& Game

A rich array of livestock production, commercial & recreational fishing & traditional game hunting



History of the Maya, Inca, Aztec, Amazonian kingdoms & pre-Hispanic peoples of Latin America

Fish & Marine Life

Freshwater & marine species of tributaries, lakes, lagoons, Atlantic & Pacific oceans

All Enquiries
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