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Insect & Animal Borne Diseases
  Latin Scientific
First of Humans of Latin America
  • Huaca Prieta, Peru. 15,500 yrs 

  • Taima-Taima, Venezuela. 14000 yrs 

  • Caverna de Pedra Pintada, Brazil. 11,200 yrs 

  • Ayacucho Valley, Peru. 22,000? yrs 

  • Monte Verde, Chile. 18,500? yrs 

  • Painel do Pilão, Brazil. 13,000 yrs 

  • Lapta do Boquete, Brazil. 12,070 yrs 

  • Cueva de Las Manos, Argentina. 13,000 yrs 

  • El Abra, Colombia. 12,000 yrs 

  • Luisa Woman, Brazil. 11,710 yrs 

 Paleo-Indians Sites of South America 
 Paleo Indians  
 First Humans of the Americas 

Paleo-Indians were the first humans to inhabit North America & Latin America. The dates of the arrival of the Paleo-Indians to North America are incomplete and contested, as many of their coastal migration routes have been covered by a sea level rise, the archeological record is still incomplete or archeological findings, ages debated. However it is generally thought that they arrived into North America via the Bering Land Bridge in Siberia or by sea along that coast, anywhere between 40,000 to 20,00 years ago before present (BP).  

 First Humans Arrive in South America 

Shortly after, the Paleo-Indians began to migrate along the coastlines and through the interior of north America, through Mexico, Central America & into South America. The oldest Paleo-Indian sites in South America could be possibly from Ayacucho Valley, Peru (~22,000 years ago) or Monte Verde, Chile (~18,500 years ago). Both dates are contested, depatable or could be as young as around 14,500 years ago.

 Paleo-Indian Migration Through North America 

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